Win KKR Goodies -Nokia Main Bhi Coach Contest

Win KKR Goodies -Nokia Main Bhi Coach Contest
KKR has teamed up with Nokia to give away many prizes to all the KKR team fans. You can win KKR Goodie Bag,KKR Memorabilia,KKR match tickets.Click here to register .
kolkata knoght riders goodies bag which i received shahrukh khan
Subscribe to blog and verify to get these contests delivered to your mail without fail.
I have received a Free IPL jersey,A Bag,A Deodorant ,Sipper and lot of my friends have also received it.

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Amit G said…
Computer Keyboard Shortcuts!

8 desktop
6 open
14 folder
4 start menu
12 cut
10 select all

13 help
5 update
11 lock
2 console
9 paste
7 history
3 undo
1 rename
12 cancel
Amit G said…
Now that's something cool that you have received.. Congrats bro.. enjoy..
Suraj kiran said…
How to login after completion of successful registration and logging out for first time?

To login should we have to go to wapsite i.e.,for mobile or is there any link to website?
hiteshsjoshi said…
How many points you scored?? I have scored 360+ points so far and all I have received is 3 different calls (SRK, Murali Kartik and someone else)...:(
And, how were you informed that you are the winner...I mean did they send you any email or SMS or something??

Hoping for the best..
songbird said… r pickd frm a lucky draw ryt?
Debayan Laha said…
did you won a goody bag or memorabilia???
Winoath said…
use mobile number and password.i dont think anybody have problem with that one :)

They call and tell yaar.even mridul has won lastweek after seeing this post and a another friend names sarvesh who told that they have won a is a lucky draw only :P

Ya,lucky draw

i won a goodie bag only.Dont know wht is in memorabilia.Lot of people have won that one this week.Will tell u when my friends get it.
Anonymous said…
I have won myself a goodie bag. Last week i crossed the 500 run mark. After crossing the 500 run mark, I got a message saying that keep scoring and the top scorers will given nokia 97 or e72 mobiles. However, there is no section showing the leading run scorers. I would like to ask people who are playing the main bhi coach game.. How many runs have you scored so far? Has anyone scored more than 1500?
naveen said…
i won kkr goodie bag,i got message on 5th april, from andhra...but i havn't recieved my bag yet..can u help me brother(s)..pls
Anonymous said…
In how many days i will receive my memorabilia and what about urs prize?
In how many days did you all get?
I have missed claiming bag but not memorabilia.
My score at present is more than 400.
Winoath said…
@anonymous and naveen
No need to worry since it is sent by bluedart and they sent to me in 15 days.While they send,a sms with tracking number will be sent .
naveen said…
thank u for info..u make me somewat happier..keep going..
Suraj kiran said…
I haven't got tracking number through sms.
Its been more than 10 days now.
Will i get memorabilia or not?
Winoath said…
i have already replied to ur question and moreover i am not sending the sms nor courier :P .You should get it .So wait
Anirban said…
Hi friends, nice to have all of u here..i also have won a goodie bag for scoring 100 runs, but still now i didnt received that gift. I have called 3-4 times to nokia office, but they have not shown any cooperation with me regarding this. god knows whether i will get my gift or not. and one other thing also happening with me, instead of senidng 20 sms per day, i can oly send 3 sms per day, ater sending 3rd sms, i am getting a sms and there is written that i have completed my day's limit of sms. so they r not giving me chance to score much point so i my name can be considerd for the bumper prize lottery that is 2 costly mobile phones. so is this contest is fake, i dont know, only GOD knows and obviously NOKIA.
naveen said…
pardon me brother..i had one more would i get my goodie bag(post or courier) not receieved any call for address verification,
info: i updated my profile(with my full address)..pls brother,..
krishna kamal said…
my score is presently 3605.can i win a nokia n97 or e72 mobile?
Unknown said…
i got a call from nokia on 27 march that i won a goodie bag, they ask for address n ph no. which i gave them n they said u will get it in 15 days.
but till now i dont get even tracking no :(
my score is reached to 852
Unknown said…
My Score till now 4958!!! But no idea if am among the Top Scorerz!!!
Winoath said…
Nice to see u telling that it is fake.

wow.I even got a prize from a contest which is fake.This is why i get irritated and not posting contests nowdays regularly.Instead i play and win them .

when so many people haev won before 10 days,nobody was here telling that they have won and so many people are complaining to me who is not responsible for sending prizes
Winoath said…
i think bluedart is courier.Dont ask the same question again and again.I already answered ur question
Anonymous said…
its Not Fake..even I got the Goodie Bag.with a Nokia tshirt a sipper..keep will get your prizes
Debayan Laha said…
i got my kkr memorabilia shipped is a memento with signatures of all 30 kkr players engraved on it..

heres da pic..
Winoath said…
Thanks for commenting,Your name ?

lolz..thanks for psoting the image :)
Vineeth said…
@Winoath..Im Vineeth from Bangalore..
@debayan laha..thats Cool.congZZ
Looks like they have stopped updating the site after the match.:((
Suresh said…
im from chennai and i have won the goodies bag yesterday

to day i got another message saying i have won KKR memorobilia i dont know whats that will be. im eagerly waiting for that too

i am very disappointed that KKR performed that low if they have performed well maybe they would have carried this contest to some more days
Winoath said…
this is memorabilia.MY friends have received it :)
Anonymous said…
my run is 1538 till now.....
Sajad Dar said…
i am sajad from kashmir j&k i regestered my cell with NOKIA MIAN BHI COACH.
MY total score 346 runs and i recive a sms 15APRIL dat u r the winner of reebok godiee bag send ur adress via sms.after few days20 APRIL i recive another message that u have won the KKR GREAT MEMORIBILE TROPHY
BUT my mind confuse that i recive nothing yet.
please reply wat i can do.
Unknown said…
In how many days i will receive my memorabilia and what about urs prize?
In how many days did you all get?
I have missed claiming bag but not memorabilia.
My score at present is 516
i have recieved a call that it had reached a person name mr. raju
ranisamyukhta said…
Hi winoath,

I have won in kkrcoach a goodie bag..I recieved a message 4 days ago and still now i did not receive the call, even if they do not call me ,will they send me the prize ya.
Anirban said…
Yes i have alst got my prize atlast.. its a reebok bag and a siper and a deodorant a KKr jersey which is not the actuall jersey that KKR use at the time of play. it has reached to me via blue dart courier. hope all of you who has got sms or a ph call will surely get respective prizes. so wait happily.
hasgar said…
i have got msg from kkr like"you are won a reebok kkr goodie bag wit tee,sipper and deo....send address"..then i sended my address ...then replied "thank you for sending address within 7 days expect a call from us to verify address".....this msg got 6 days ago to me and my friends same time but cant a any person to me...offcously call a person????or they send msg without it?????
aritraray said…
I haven't received my goodie bag yet,I received the confirmation sms on 5.4.10 saying that i have won a goodie bag.Does anybody know where to contact?
Sonali said…
same here hasgar... i got a message saying "You have won a Reebok KKR goodie bag with tee, sipper and deo....." on 19th April they had told to send our address to them as an SMS, i did it jst after recieving the SMS and got a reply "Thank u 4 sending ur address, do expect a call fm us in d next seven days"
Bt its seven days now and i haven't recieved a call!!... wat shud i do???... i want d goodie bag badly!!

@Anirban, plz give me the mobile no. of the person who called u to verify ur address... i'll call him and ask him how many days will it take!!.. thanx in advance!!
Vineeth said…
If you hv received SMS then you'll get the Gift.Just wait..
Here is mine.

This took almost 2 weeks to reach me after i got the msg.
Nitn said…
i am nitin from karnal i regestered my cell with NOKIA MIAN BHI COACH.
MY total score 338 runs and i recive a sms 15APRIL dat u r the winner of reebok godiee bag send ur adress via sms.after few days 20 APRIL i recive another message that u have won the KKR GREAT MEMORIBILE TROPHY.After rpling by address get a message that u get a call within 7days for address verification.
I didnot get call.
please reply wat i can do.
Tech Guy said…
My finel score 5155

Anybody know when announce top ten score?
hasgar said…
Amit G said…
hey dude, i have received my goodies bag from KKR Nokia Main Bhi Coach contest, thanks to you, your blog and your blog mates..

and people, stop creating this hoopla that if you haven't got as yet, you won't get it.. thousands of people played this contest, and its no small task to deliver everything you won on time.. it takes time.. HAVE PATIENCE GUYS..

by the way winoath, here's the link to the image i took of it:

share it with this impatient world..
Unknown said…
@Amit G
when you got won msg from nokia???
any one call to you for address verification????
how dys take for get???
Unknown said…
hey vinoth!dis is ashwat!i got a msg from bluedart early mornin tat ill recieve a gift on may 3rd!!along in tat msg der was also a AWL NUMBER SENT!!!is tat al???am i sure 2 receive it?
Vineeth said…
@everyone it took almost 2 weeks to get the call...visit bluedart website n check the status..dont worry u guyz will get the frend recvd it a few days back
Unknown said…
hi friends i have yet not recieved my memoribilia, had anyone got it please tell me how u got that?
Unknown said…
hi, I am amaan and i am also playing nokia mai bhi coach contest with my 2 mobile. i have a kkr goodi bag with score of 327 and my other mobilr score are 3865. but nothing given to me.

099102 19991
Unknown said…
hi this iz shakeb khan i scored 470 runs in nokia main bhi coach from my mob bt i didnt get my gift yet...
Anirban said…
To Sonali

Hi friend, hope u hv got d prize. If not then wait for few more times, i think u will surely get that prize..coz i have got that one, so there is no reason that u wont get. and nobody from nokia had called me, i had only got a sms from thema nd that after i had sent them my postal address by sms. and after 2-3weeks i have got a sms that they r sending my prize through bluedart courier and gave me the tracking number. and after 2days i have got my gift. So wait for a little while if u havent got that prize yet. u will surely get that. may be it will take some more time..thanx
kanchan said…
I got the goodies....

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