Win a trip to Melbourne

Clipboard03Win an all expense paid holiday with return air transfers to Melbourne and also win 1 of 10 crumpler bags. 

Just test your knowledge on Melbourne and answer some three simple questions about Melbourne and submit your contact details and stand a chance to win these cool paid trip  .

Like button has been added to blog so that you can share these contests with your facebook friends also.So Do like the posts which you want to share it with your friends .

I have received my BOTEX gift hamper in why my mom is the best contest .


Anonymous said…
what u received in the hamper
Anonymous said…
Answers are very simple but no place to enter own details.
Amit G said…
dude, where are you these days..??

its been a while now.. no update from you.. what's wrong..??

gave up this blog or what..??
Winoath said…
IT is simple..share what u have ,i will share wht i have .

Nobody shared any contests.So i dint post anything and playing the contests myself which i find on my own .Today sunday is holiday and i posted some contests.
Amit G said…
hey dude, glad to have you back..

and hey, its not about the contests man.. your blog has become a part of my life now.. and i was missing it..

i don't care about the contests man.. they come and go.. but nice people in life, STAY..

hope you understand.. cheers..
Winoath said…
thanks dude.add me into gtalk
Winoath said…
At the end of the day,it is only contests and freebies that people are interested in me .IT is the saddest part :( :(

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