October 21 daily lockerz answer

what book should they make into a movie ? lockerz october  21 answer

Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT

Click here to buy that book .It is a must read for everyone who just want to have fun whether you live in india or in any other country.

The way Chetan Bhagat narrates the story, embedded with humor is fantastic.It is the story of three friends who are at IIT Delhi,who are all below average (five point something on a 10-pt GPA scale). They quickly bond after getting ragged and embark on a series of adventures involving life around Delhi, girls, and how to beat the IIT system before it beats them. A great read even if you didn't go to IIT Delhi! .

Don’t start reading the book in the night.Once you start reading this book, you just can't put it down before finishing it.I didn’t even sleep that night and i was sleeing in my class thinking why an engineering life su@^$ which doesn’t make us into a salable product.So do buy the book and  enjoy.


Anonymous said…
what is the best to redeem at lockerz
Amit said…
Rightly said, dude.. Engineering indeed doesn't make you a sale-able product.. You have to put in your own efforts..

By the way, Five Point Someone is already being made into a movie.. The movie '3 Idiots', which has Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor as the lovers which were in Chetan Bhagat's book, is the one which is made on Five Point Someone's lines.. The movie would be gr8.. I am eagerly waiting for its release..

But I also expect it not to be dud like 'Hello' which was based on the other book of Chetan Bhagat- One Night At A Call Centre, the book story which was gr8.. Read that..?? And what about 'The 3 Mistakes Of My Life'..?? Its the coolest of them all..

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