Cotd - club nicks

Cotd - club nicks
1d. Fleet
2d. Jacks
3a. Swans
3d. Spurs
4d. Shots
5a. Hoops
6a. Club
7a. Heed
8d. Dons
9a. Tykes
10a. Stags
11d. Toon
12d. Gulls
13d. Vics
14a. Imps
15d. Pools
16d. Gills
17a. Pool
17d. Posh
18a. Iron
19a. Lions
20d. Owls
21d. Salop
22d. Irons
23a. Lambs
24d. Blues
25a. Rams
26d. Dale
27a. Qpr
28a. Bees
29a. Fosse

Will try to make changes to look of the blog after december .It looks very bad :P.


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