
Animalia c2w answers
1. vipera berus
2. hymenopetrous formicidae
3. ursidae carnivora
4. bison bonasus
5. camelus camelidae
6. acinonyx jubatus
7. pan troglodytes
8. elapidae naja
9. fenis concolour
10. artiodactyl cervidae
11. cannis vulpes
12. anura ranidae
13. giraffa camalopardalis
14. capra hircus
15. hippopotamus amphibius
16. eqqus caballus
17. hyaenidae carnivora
18. macropus macropodidae
19. panthera leo
20. alurpoda melanoleuca
21. panthera pardus
22.  perrissodanctyl rthinocerotidae
23. felis catus
24. panthera tigris

This contest was good and informative.So i am adding the questions also.

1    scientific name of adder            
2    scientific name of ant             
3    scientific name of bear             
4    scientific name of Bison             
5    scientific name of camel             
6    scientific name of cheetah             
7    scientific name of chimpanzee             
8    scientific name of cobra             
9    scientific name of cougar             
10    scientific name of deer    
11    scientific name of Fox             
12    scientific name of frog             
13    scientific name of Giraffe             
14    scientific name of Goat             
15    scientific name of Hippopotamus             
16    scientific name of Horse             
17    scientific name of Hyena             
18    scientific name of Kangaroo             
19    scientific name of Lion             
20    scientific name of Panda     
21    scientific name of Panther             
22    scientific name of Rhinoceros             
23    scientific name of Cat             
24    scientific name of Tiger


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