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I already got 3 indiatimes vouchers from this site in this month.That is why ,i am telling about this.

How much you earn :Rs 12 to Rs 250 per survey depending upon the size of survey and earn by referring your friends.

When you refer ,you receive Rs 15 per referral  if he joins and completes a survey. I earned more by referring.

Minimum payout is Rs 100

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freebiehunk said…
im already a member of it
Anonymous said…
hey vinu ur doing a great job yaar provding answer is something good bcoz its difficult to answer all the question keep it up
I dont anything from u but i want all the answer fo prize point ok bye take care yaar

Rahul Mumbai
Admin said…
thank you rahul...

U have a nice name rahul..why be anonymous...change your name...the world will see your name..
sonu said…
I am already the member b4 knowing about this blog

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