COTD - Match Famous Women With Their Quotes!

COTD  Match Famous Women With Their Quotes c2w answers

4A .Paris
5D .Ingrid
6D. Monroe
7A .Aniston
8A .Landers
9A. Dolly
10A. Bette
10D .Barr
11D .Teresa
12A .Carrie
13A .Tallulah

Very nice crossword,see the questions and answer,you will have fun.


roopal said…
Thanks for providing answers.It really helps a lot.And as u mentioned the crossword is very nice.
Arushi said…
hey Vinoth..thanks for the answers.

N everyone the site Vinoth told us about is an awsome one..
LOCKERZ rocks...
so if anyone wants invites then please mail at
congo vinoth
today the 300th person subscribed to your answer mails
once again congo
Admin said…
thank u..i am bored at celebrating..nobody interacts..wht is the use of celebrating...
Admin said…
only 3 people commented out of 400 people u use the blog..
is it nice na?..wht is the use of celebrating..
Arushi said…

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