December 28 daily lockerz dailies
Are you a last minute shopper ?
Yes,i don’t spend time for shopping.
My friend Arushi Aggarwal has got the camera(No shipping ,customs,tax) and sent me snaps.She is the top commentator of my blog and busy
nowadays because of her job .Thanks didi for sparing time in sending me the snaps during Christmas holidays
.Also to Sathish uncle for talking the snaps.
That seems pretty cool...
Congrats dude, to your friend Arushi for receiving such a nice product from Lockerz.. And thanks to members like her, we are able to trust Lockerz even more..
Thanks Arushi for the contribution...
By the way Vinoth, do u have any idea when will the lockerz guys let the general members (not the z-listers) participate in the redemption process..??
Hallway is nothing but the age where u see the videos or the homepage which comes when u login...
It was during first redemtion.I Takes 8 weeks for shipping to india
Sorry ,they are busy sending money to paypal this week and receipt to people who of my friend also got 50 dollar to her paypal account...
They will announce later abt redemption
lockerz is great........
I also got 50USD from Lockerz in my account.
Was able to redeem an ipod but there was a technical they ofeered 50USD today
u are lucky..i think u are the only one who redeemed in both the waves and getting both the things.
P.s:why the hell i had exams the next day during Z-list redemption :(