I got my first job

Hi friends ,

First of all, sorry for not being active for the past week and not replying to mails and comments properly.I attended cognizant interviews in the recent days which is the reason that i am not able to update the blog .It was my first* interview in my life and i got selected for the job.Thanks for being patient and supportive.

Name of the company :Cognizant Technology Solutions
And congrats to hundreds of my friends who placed with me and to other friends who is going to get placed soon in the coming weeks.

For more check , visit this page


venkart89 said…
hi vinoth,

This is venkata karthik... I am his classmate.. It is great that we got placed on same day but in different companies.. I wish him a good luck in future.. Hope he remembers our days in coll.... Proud to be part of anna university....
G said…

It's really nice to know that you got the Job in your first interview. You're one of the blessed soul. My blessings for you to grow rapidly in the corporate ladder.

Prasad Bhagwat said…
Many Many Congrats Vinod :-)

Its a Party time for you. Cheers


Prasad Bhagwat
uma said…
Hi Vinoth,

great to know that you got a job.

All the best. Uma
deepa said…
hi congrats that you have got a job ........
Malten said…
kunal said…
how to login at lockerz???????

i have provided the mail at userid and combination as my password.

then just nothing happens the same login page appears.
Unknown said…
congrats buddy... wish u all the best.
songbird said…
wish u all success god blesss..
pls dont apologize in ur blog...it doesnt sound gud k :( nobody has complaints.. ur doing an xcllnt job with providing all the ans at the right time..
i think this is the best blog not only for c2w ans, bt for tips n tricks on other cool stuffs too :)
keep it up n congrats once again :)
Winoath said…
Ok dear,i will not from now on
Amit said…
Hi, Vinoth,

Can you post what questions were asked during your interview?

Best of luck.
vinoth said…
first question-tell abt urself

then he ask whether I willl goto higher studies.

then he asked me whether I know "c" computer language.......i told that I know a little..he asked me questions..

he asked whether I have any questions for him.

Any many questions he asked.....forgot them....
Amit Garg said…
Dude, congrats for ur 1st job.. Cherish the moment.. It only happens once...

Cognizant is a gr8 company to work for.. One of my colleagues is an ex-employee from Cognizant, and he has very fond memories from there.. He got to learn a lot of Hot-n-happening technologies while at Cognizant which helped him move up the corporate ladder very quickly..

Hope u have a gr8 time there..

Good luck for ur future..

Priya said…
Hi vinoth,


Will u join cognizant or try some other company?

Im having great time in cognizant coimbatore..

Take care..
Winoath said…
Nice question ,but time only knows the answer :-P
Priya said…
Sorry for late reply...
No access to internet yaar. (Strictly prohibited in company since we are in training) :(
Belated new year wishes vinoth..

Hope to see you in Cognizant. :P

Take care
Winoath said…
Oh no problem ...happy new year :)

OMG.....no internet :( ...how will i survive for 1 year.I hve to rethink ..ha ha ha.....

Nice to have friends like u who has only some time and wants to spend time in my blog...
Priya said…
Hi Vino,

Got my first month salary from cognizant...
Planning to get a gprs connection in my mobile.. :D

Winoath said…

Gr8 ..when is the treat :P

gprsa ho ho...kalakkara priya..engala ellam marandhidatha...enjoy pannu.

atleast they giving holiday for pongal..
Unknown said…
hey hey hey!! i knew u would do something great in ur life...and u did it..congrats vinoth!!! with all my regards , wishing u a rockking new year. wishing u success vinoth. keep up the good work :D
Winoath said…
Thank you dear...come soon to c2w yaar..it is very boring without u.

VEry boring after u,zeisha,and priya left :( .No one knows how to chat there yaar except some users....lolz...they jsut playing and leaving the site.

ur fans in c2w wil be waiting...come soon....tumare khar sab tik hai boy is getting lot of freinds lolz...u know who is that boy..come soon...we will play with him..
Unknown said…
wow! nice to hear that! :D
i miss everyone too (esp. you) .
lol u came late on c2w but u became one of the finest players and creators of c2w. u will be certainly in top 3 bloggers dude!!!!!!!! U ROCKK! \m/
..i have certain quizes on which i am plannin to make contests.hope they get selected ..lol..and of priya.. :(
i send her a lot of msgs on ourworld, but i think she is away for sometime :/
. shes a mysterious girl after all :D
Winoath said…
@kuku lol..i am not a finest creator..i created only one contest.will create in the future..
Winoath said…
ya.i agreee.priya is a mysterious girl.tough to understand her..had a small experience lol...u had a big experience..ha ha ha....zeisha,u and her was fun....she suddenly ran away.....dont forget me dude..i help u find ur gf ..hope she also ran away from u :P .

hey..come to chat in gtalk.we will talk there...
Unknown said…
oops! i loged out after that :D hehehehe...and guess what betty is ziesha herslef...she lied to me...i dont know she dont talk to me like that on facebook. i cant understand the gap :/
Winoath said…
zeisha cheating as priya.

rofl ..ha ha ha..i can't believe this yaar.I think zeisha learned this from priya..she added me .i will talk and find out who is who..ha ha ha.

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