No Fear - The Phobia Quiz

No Fear - The Phobia Quiz

01 - 05 : ACBCB
06 - 10 : ACCBC
11 - 15 : ABAAB
16 - 20 : BCCAA
21 - 23 : CAC

1.Agoraphobia means a fear of open spaces       
2.Bibliophobia means a fear of  books       
3.Carcinophobia means a fear of cancer            
4.Dendrophobia means a fear of trees            
5.Ecclesophobia means a fear of  church            
6.Felinophobia means a fear of  cats       
7.Genuphobia means a fear of knees       
8.Hydrophobia means a fear of  water       
9.Isolophobia means a fear of being alone            
10.Japanophobia means a fear of japanese people    
11.Kleptophobia means a fear of stealing             
12.Lygophobia means a fear of      darkness       
13.Musophobia means a fear of mice            
14.Necrophobia means a fear of death             
16.Ranidaphobia means a fear of frogs            
17.Schlionophobia means a fear of school            
18.Telosphobia means a fear of being last            
19.Uranophobia means a fear of heaven            
20.Venustraphobia means a fear of beautiful women    
21.Wiccaphobia means a fear of witches            
22.Xanthophobia means a fear of yellow            
23.Xenophobia means a fear of strangers or foreigners


souman101 said…
please keep dis blog continue with the c2w answers
Winoath said…
@Do onething...first give me the contests ,i will post answers :P

I can't assure u that becasue i have projects and assessments works also ..if anyone is ready to give the answers,,i will post it.i will not stress myself to find answers ..
Winoath said…
@everyone who sends me mails to post answers..this is my reply..i not going to reply everyone...

..many people are irritating me by sending mails to psot answers the hell i am supposed to post answers if i can't find any contests...should i post poll and dumbest and make the blog homepage congested..understand and grow up please...
Anonymous said…
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

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