paypal and money?

Click here to get step by step procedure for creating a paypal account.

What is paypal ? It is the question asked by many people from school childrens to IT  employees to me.I am fed up of saying to each one.So i thought of writing a post abt it.I have a good experience with paypal..,.See my  balance if u want to.

paypal vinoth balance

In simple,paypal is a online bank. It is not a place where we earn money.It is a place to store money. It is a place for money transactions,Send or receive money safely . Whether you have money or not now ,create a account ...It is free as of now.It just takes 5 minutes.

We don't know,when we get money..It will be useful later.(surely) See the screenshot of my transactions with my blog users like abheek and dimpy when they won the cool commentators contest.

payments sent

 Goto and create a account.Any doubts ,see below.

Click here to get step by step procedure for creating a paypal account.

Commonly asked questions.

Do we need a credit card ? Many people have a misconception that u need a credit card to join.It is optional.U can skip the credit card option..I don't even have a credit card for myself. What is your paypal id? It is the mail- id in which u joined paypal. If u join paypal with is your paypal id.

What can i do with $$$ ?

There is a option ..we can convert dollars to rupees.

I hope it explains u all.If you have more doubts…feel free to comment…I can help u .


Anonymous said…
Ok I knew Paypal but How to earn money online??

Is there any genuine way?

Almost all money making sites are fake...
G said…
Dear Vinod,

Thanks for the information, I have one quick question, can you wire transfer money from Paypal to any Private or Public sector Indian Bank Account? If so, are there any deductions made by Paypal or by RBI?
Moreover, what is the charges that Paypal are collecting from it's users?

Let's assume that you store 1 Lakh rupees in Paypal account will they give general bank interest rate to the idle amount [Because you have notified it as online bank].

Thanks for your time.
Winoath said…
First answer..I don't know abt deductions,but u can transfer money to accountin bank.If u found,tell me also,it will be useful for me bro..

No no..In order to explain so that it can be easily understood by school and college students,i told that it is a online far as i know,it will never give u interest....They charge for our transactions..that is how they survive..

You can see this video to how to obtain a check to ur home...
Winoath said…
I have send u the mail manju..check it.

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